Directory contains raw data corresponding to calculations presented in arXiv:2209.09156v2 Files are organised within the following subdirectories: 000-306 000-366 000-367 000-406 000-466 000-467 h11-306 h11-366 h11-367 h11-406 h11-466 h11-467 i13-306 i13-366 i13-367 i13-406 i13-466 i13-467 hf316n Pb208 er166 er167 tm167 ho167 Directory hf316n contains all files of the full distribution of the code HFODD (v316n). The same files are also collected in one gziped tar file Apart from the last five subdirectories, which contain files corresponding to specific nuclei, all other names of subdirectories follow the pattern ccc-udd described below. Files have the filenames with the following structure: [N00001x-L01R01-]aabbb-ccc-udd-170-eee-fff-Nnn-Hooo-siq-UDF1.hhhh.iii Sections above have the following meaning: aa = name of the element bbb = mass number ccc = 000 for an even-even nucleus = h11 for the 1h11/2 orbital blocked in an odd-Z nucleus = i13 for the 1i13/2 orbital blocked in an odd-N nucleus u = 3 for calculations on the oblate side = 4 for calculations on the prolate side dd = 06 fixed-pairing gap constrained calculation starting from Pb208.oblate.rec = 66 initial unconstrained convergence calculation starting from 06 = 67 final unconstrained convergence calculation starting from 66 eee = HF0 for the HF (no pairing) calculation in neutrons, protons, or both = HFT for the HFB (with pairing) calculation in both neutrons and protons (in the final analysis, the HF results obtained near semi-magic or doubly magic nuclei were superseding the HFB results) fff = AMP for the angular-momentum-projection calculation; (for the convergence calculation, this section is omitted) nn = 10, 12, 14, 16, or 18 for the number of spherical harmonic-oscillator (HO) shells included in the basis ooo = 080, 085, ... 155, 160 for the f factors defining the frequencies of the HO basis of 0.80, 0.85, ... 1.55, 1.60 (this section is included only for the tests of the HO basis performed in 167Ho) hhhh = 316n stands for the version number of the code. This section is included only in the output-file names. iii = dat for the input data files = out for the output files = rec for the record files = ker for the kernel files. For the kernel files (and only for them), section N000010-L01R01- is present. In the subdirectories ccc-udd, the record files are included only for dd = 67 and in ho167 only for udd=466, which allows for rerunning the angular-momentum-projection calculations. With the kernel files existing (not existing) in the execution directory, the kernel files are read (written) and the calculations take little (much) CPU time. Subdirectory Pb208 contains all files generated for building the starting points for the dd = 06 calculations. Those for u = 3 (u = 4) start from the "oblate" ("prolate") files. Subdirectories er166, er167, or tm167 contain all files pertaining to runs dd = 06, 66, and 67, including the corresponding iii = rec files. Subdirectories er166, er167, or tm167 illustrate the patterns used for all other even-even, odd-N, or odd-Z nuclei, respectively. Subdirectory ho167 contain all files pertaining to runs dd = 06 and 66 corresponding to the tests of the HO basis performed in 167Ho All calculations were performed using the parity-conserved plus simplex-broken implementation of the code. They were performed in sequence of the following six stages: Stage 1, initialization. An HF run was performed to determine the ground-state of 208Pb (input data file Pb208.UDF1.dat). This run started from scratch and did not require any iii = rec file. Stage 2, polarization. Starting from the iii = rec file of Stage 1, two HF polarization runs were performed for 208Pb by using weak constraints on the axial quadrupole moments of: Q20 = +0.858 b (prolate shape, input data file Pb208.prolate.UDF1.dat) and Q20 = -0.858 b ( oblate shape, input data file Pb208.oblate.UDF1.dat). Exact values of the constrained quadrupole moments were irrelevant; the goal was to induce small axial deformations in 208Pb with the axial-symmetry axis oriented along the Cartesian "z" axis. Both runs used a weak cranking constraint of omega-z = 0.001 MeV oriented along the axial-symmetry axis. The goal of Stage 2 was to split the spherical orbitals into the deformed orbitals quantized according to the values of the total angular-momentum projections on the Cartesian "z" axis. This allowed us to identify the orbitals that would be used in the following runs as tags selecting the blocked quasiparticles. In particular: The neutron prolate [606]+13/2 orbital was identified as the 57th deformed state in positive parity * 113) -8.671 ( 57, 0) | 6, 0, 6,13/2> 100 -0.000 -0.000 6.500 * The proton prolate [505]+11/2 orbital was identified as the 37th deformed state in negative parity * 75) -8.932 ( 0, 37) | 5, 0, 5,11/2> -100 -0.000 0.000 5.500 * The neutron oblate [606]+13/2 orbital was identified as the 45th deformed state in positive parity * 101) -8.863 ( 45, 0) | 6, 0, 6,13/2> 100 0.000 0.000 6.500 * The proton oblate [505]+11/2 orbital was identified as the 27th deformed state in negative parity * 65) -9.100 ( 0, 27) | 5, 0, 5,11/2> -100 -0.000 0.000 5.500 * Stage 3, pairing. Starting from the oblate (u = 3) and prolate (u = 4) iii = rec files of Stage 2, the HFB pairing runs (dd = 06) were performed with fixed constant pairing gaps of Delta_P = 1 MeV and Delta_N = 1 MeV. In addition, for oblate (prolate) runs, large values of the quadrupole moments were constrained to Q20 = -10 b (Q20 = +10 b). In Stage 3, for odd nuclei, quasiparticles were blocked according to the tags identified in Stage 2. The goal of Stage 3 was to obtain stable paired solutions (no pairing collapse) at large deformations that would be good starting points for the final convergence runs. Stage 4, convergence. Starting from the oblate (u = 3) and prolate (u = 4) iii = rec files of Stage 3, (i) the dd = 66 HFB pairing runs (eee = HFT) were performed with the pairing force replacing the fixed constant pairing gaps and (ii) the dd = 66 HF runs (eee = HF0) were performed by switching the pairing off in nuclei with one particle or hole in the closed proton (Z = 82) or neutron (N = 82 or 126) core. All runs of Stage 4 were performed with constraints on the quadrupole moments released. In this way, for nuclei that would have both oblate and prolate minima, selfconsistent oblate and prolate solutions were obtained in the u = 3 and u = 4 runs. Otherwise, for nuclei that would have only one oblate, prolate, or spherical minimum, both u = 3 and u = 4 runs slided down to the common selfconsistent solution. As it turned out, the dd = 66 HF runs all converged within the prescribed 900 iterations. However, some HFB runs needed to be re-converged at dd = 67 by using the iii = rec files obtained at dd = 66. For consistency, all HFB runs were re-converged, even if for those already converged at dd = 66 only a few iterations were performed. Stage 5, angular-momentum projection (fff = AMP). At Stage 5, the angular-momentum projection was performed for all converged HF (dd = 66) and HFB (dd = 67) runs, and the spectroscopic magnetic-dipole and electric-quadrupole moments were determined.